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Not just a single shot but a broadside

Political commentators and ruminators are almost unanimous in their post-mortem dissection of the recent by-election in Calgary, which saw the upset victory of Wildrose Alliance (WRA) candidate Paul Hinman over Progressive Conservative (PC) and Liberal opponents.

Sincere faith is displayed by selfless act

We’d just moved and one of the families in our new church made it their habit to pray daily for the recently installed pastoral family. Two of their children felt that it was good to pray, but told their parents that prayer was not enough and that they should also do something to show that their faith was real. The parents asked them what they had in mind.

Obama’s chance to wash his hands off of Afghanistan

Maybe it’s the relatively thin air up on those high plateaus that makes them foolish.

Bingo action is back at community hall

Big Valley Little Tykes Preschool is open for registration, if your child is three or four years old and you would like information on registration call Jennifer 403-742-4575.

Election, good for democracy?

Welcome back, I mean to election politics. Isn’t it nice that we now have an annual event which we might well call “the farce of representative democracy”?

All efforts are for a more efficient health care system

Deciding to do things differently is not easy, and this is especially true with reforming our health care system. But with time and persistence, we will see the positive results of the many significant changes that are underway.

Political hyprocrisy or sophisticated evolution

American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesman and philosophers and divines.

Small-town residents deserve equal treatment

Greyhound bus lines recently announced that they would reduce and terminate bus service to small towns in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario.

Fellowship among pastors

Bearing with necessary changes