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Political drama, Honduran style: Zelaya plans to win a comeback

If you start from the assumption that the strategy of Manuel Zelaya, the ousted president of Honduras, is to destroy the existing constitutional order in the country, then you must admit that he is making good progress.

Is the premier telling all the truth?

Slippery road apples

So Alberta’s august premier wants us all to tighten our belts a little more.

Nourishing bitterness is a disease that’s never cured

I was raised on a mixed farm where my father taught us how to slaughter animals. I don’t remember all I was taught, but I do remember his instructions regarding removing the liver.

Sledge hammer legislation typical

Most citizens are probably unaware of Bill 50, which is winding its way through the Alberta legislature. That’s because it will only affect you if your property is in the way of a new electrical transmission line. If you are unfortunate enough to be in the way, you will find you will have no recourse, no appeal - in fact no voice at all as to the location of the line or even whether it is needed or not.

When do you make others happy?

Over the last two weeks, we have been receiving quite a number of letters to the editor. They come from near and far, by post or by e-mail.

Reducing energy consumption at household level does help

lectricity – just the word itself charges emotions in Alberta right now, and small wonder. Nuclear reactors in the Peace country, massive transmission lines in central Alberta, legislation taking power line approvals out of the public process – each on its own would be controversial enough, but in this province, they’ve become a triple threat.

Are you the thanking kind of individual?

A thankful disposition has more to do with our character than our circumstances. In 1860 there was a shipwreck off the coast of Lake Michigan near Evanston, Illinois.

Watching TV without a guide

Have you ever wondered how life could be different today without the television? We wouldn’t have mini-series or long-running series, we wouldn’t have talk shows and everybody would not be talking about how a famous talk show host cheated on his wife with someone from his staff and how he apologized to his wife on public TV.

The windmill madness continues

Some time ago I commented on the bogus nature of the rush towards wind power by means of constructing more and more unsightly eyesore wind mills.