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Will the wars ever end?

In preface, I want to take this opportunity to express gratitude to our veterans who willingly sacrificed all that they had so that we may enjoy all that we have… The phrase “the war to end all wars” was used as a description of WWI between 1918 and 1939 and ended with the arrival of WWII.

Timing is everything, but there is no time like the present

Have you ever heard the expression, “Timing is everything”? Positively it might be used with reference to buying low and selling high or perhaps a potentially fatal accident that has been averted by a few feet or seconds.

Remembering the past for the sake of today

It is again the time of the year when we remember and pay our respects to those who have fallen in the line of duty to protect the democracy and freedoms that we enjoy today.

Changing circumstances of Remembrance Day

The simple act of remembering gets harder every year. Only one Canadian veteran of the First World War, John Babcock, now 109-years-old and living in the United States, survives. Each day another Second World War veteran dies.

Sharing needs to apply to more than just resources

A proposal has been floated by the Alberta government which would see some casino charity profits generated in the major cities pooled with casino charity profits generated in rural areas.

Scare Satan away like a toothless lion

I’ve tried not to overreact to the annual Halloween ritual. I’m well aware of the fact that Halloween is a night of dark, evil celebration for some involved in the occult.

What the vaccine will really help

It is the talk of the town, or rather the nation: and if you expand a little, it is possible to say that it is the talk of a whole continent, that of North America.

Government’s plan is the right way forward

Recently Premier Ed Stelmach gave a televised address explaining our government’s four-point economic recovery plan to get Alberta back in the black.

Agency spends millions with little result

When the Alberta Livestock and Meat Strategy (ALMS) and its offspring the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (ALMA) were sprung on the livestock industry over a year ago by the Minister of Agriculture, they were touted as the new way of doing things to salvage the cattle and hog business in Alberta.

Liberals “Gut” tough on crime legislation

As always, it is important for constituents in our riding to try and respond to the questions I ask of you on my website or in my special mailings to your home.