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Seasons of change

Grains continued to be pressured by the Harvest 2016 season and continuous benign weather in the U.S. that continue to keep crop...

Record debt levels threaten the West’s farming industry

For the 23rd consecutive year, Canadian farm debt has hit a new record. In the West, the debt load is particularly severe, raising questions

National organizations not always national

An announcement by the CSF that it will continue to soldier on despite losing its two largest members is a political hazard.

Zika virus control

Readers would be aware of the geographic spread of the Zika virus which causes birth defects in babies born to infected mothers.

Beef message should now be clear

Your columnist has written about it before, but now an influential major fast food marketer is making it very clear – resistance is futile.

Ag policies seem sparse with United States presidential candidates

My previous column highlighted the lack of any specific agriculture policies from the two main American Presidential candidates.

Real ag policies seem sparse with American presidential candidates

It comes as no surprise that neither of the main candidates in the American presidential campaign have a coherent agriculture policy.

Railways are ready…is everyone else?

Two years ago in the midst of the grain transportation crisis some railway company officials stated that no one had warned them...

Vancouver now wants to save bees

After taking on the task of saving the world from Alberta’s evil oil sands, Vancouver city councillors are now into a crusade to save bees.

Shearing event has 20th anniversary

The recent Calgary Stampede featured the 20th anniversary of the North American Sheep Shearing Challenge.