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All you could give me was this Bible?

2014 is history and 2015 lies before us; in fact a week is already gone!

Faith & Reflection

2014 is history and 2015 lies before us; in fact a week is already gone! How should we approach the new year? Perhaps the following story will provide a helpful hint.

A young man nearing graduation from college had admired a beautiful sports car in the showroom of a local car dealership. His father was wealthy, so he told him that the sports car was what he wanted for graduation.

The young man watched for hints that his father might have purchased the car for him, but no visible sign appeared. On the day of his graduation his father called him into his office. He told him that he loved him and was pleased with his academic achievements. As he spoke, he simultaneously held out a beautifully wrapped gift box.

Curious, confused and visibly disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible inside, with his name engraved in gold letters on the cover. Angrily, he shouted at his father, “With your wealth all you could give me was this Bible?” He tossed the Bible onto the corner of his father’s desk and stomped out.

Years passed and the young man now had a successful business, a wonderful family and a beautiful home. However, it always bothered him how he had left his father and that he had not seen or talked with him since that graduation day.

One day his father’s lawyer called him and told him that his father had died and left everything to him. Arriving at his parent’s home, he went into his father’s office. To his surprise, the Bible still sat on the edge of the desk where he had dropped it years before.

In tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully underlined Matthew 7:11 which says, “And if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask Him?”

As he read those words, a car key dropped out from the back cover of the Bible. It had a tag identifying the sports car that he had so desired and a receipt with the date of his graduation, and the words “PAID IN FULL” on it.

I would suggest that if you want to find, not only what you’re looking for in life, but also what you need for life, you might want to open your Bible during 2015. I’m reasonably certain that the keys for living, as well as the accounts paid in full, that you will find within its pages will astonish you.

May your New Year be a blessed one!