In loving memory ~
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our dear little sister, Tanis, on August 2, 2022 at the age of 47 years.
Tanis was born the youngest of 5, the baby of the family. She enjoyed all the special attention and pampering that came with being the youngest. Closest in age by 2 years is Margaret and between the two of them, they shared many secrets, private jokes and life experiences. This special bond of the 'little kids' lasted thru to adulthood.
Tanis embraced life to the fullest from silly to serious. She loved organizing road trips for us, including itineraries of events that may or may not have been followed to the T. From a simple tailgate luncheon in St. Paul to a scenic trip to the Cranberry Festival in Langley, BC; a trip down memory lane in Stettler to the Corn Festival in Taber and not to be forgotten, a tour through the Gopher Hole Museum in Torrington. Tanis was always the event coordinator and not the driver as she didn't have a very good sense of direction, no matter how much confidence and enthusiasm she displayed when explaining which way to go. Tanis travelled to Scotland with Mom in 1997 and enjoyed vacations in Las Vegas, Mexico and New Orleans, even experiencing a hurricane while there in 2017. She loved the sunshine and we are still amazed at her collection of teenie weenie bikini's that fit neatly in a single sandwich baggie.
Tanis never married but she was very content having her cats, her darlings, Eme and Maurice, to love and care for. She spoiled them rotten even when they had to have a timeout in the bad kitty box for leaving a 'surprise' in her work shoes. Many a time she entertained us with colorful stories of what 'the darlings' were up to. Tanis was a monthly donor to the Edmonton Humane Society and always had an extra something to give to help the animals.
We never figured Tanis to take an interest in the domestic side of life, but she surprised us with the skillful talents she had in meal planning and preparation, holiday baking and fancy hors d'oeuvres, always with the disclaimer "may or may not contain egg shells and/or cat hair!" She wasn't afraid to try new recipes particularly from the old cookbooks from the 1970's and 80's. Turnip cake was a winner but finding the answer to the question of how much salt to use to 'float an egg' remained a mystery.
Tanis worked for ATB Financial in Corporate Financial Services in Edmonton. She loved ATB and was passionate about providing the best service she could for her clients and teammates alike. Her ATB family knew and loved her as we did; fun, intelligent, detail oriented, creative, and sometimes quirky. She enjoyed Book Club and Toastmasters and was never without an idea or opinion to share with her peers.
True to her sparkling personality, Tanis loved Bling. From sequins to diamonds, feathers to fur. She delighted in shopping at WEM for just the right gift for that special someone. She was generous and kind and sharing. She brought fashion and sunshine to our wardrobes and our lives.
Tanis will always be remembered as the little sister that grew up and made the most out of life. She kept us young and playful, strong and smiling and she will be forever missed. We will be laying Tanis to rest with Mom and Pop at Lakeview Cemetery on Monday, September 19, 2022.
All those who wish to be in attendance are welcome to join us between the hours of 10 am and 12 noon.
Love from the Bereti family.
Service Details
Celebration of Life
Monday, September 19, 2022
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
Lakeview Cemetery