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Tubing Day at Canyon Ski Hill for Botha students

March 12 is Quilting Day in Botha

Today is tubing at Canyon Ski Hill in Red Deer for all students. So hopefully everyone has a great day and enjoyed themselves.

Monday was the important monthly senior meeting which started at 12 noon. So hopefully all seniors were be able to attend. These start with a potluck luncheon at 12 noon, followed directly right after with the meeting.

Every Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. is coffee time, so hopefully everyone can join the group than.

Tuesday Mar. 6 is a school council meeting, so hopefully everyone involved can attend.

Floor Curling is every Thursday at 1 p.m., so come on down and join in the game.

Bingo evening will be held on March 14, so come on down and join in the fun. Bingo’s are every second Wednesday evening.

Hopefully everyone has their tickets for “Jimmy the Janitor” comedian night on March 16, starting at 5:30 p.m. Besides Jimmy the Janitor there will be a supper and a dance, so you will not want to miss out. This is open to all adults 18 and older.

While we still have winter get out and join in with skating with your friends, before spring is here. The arena is usually open daily, so make sure you get down there and have some fun.

Daylight Light Saving time begins really soon (Sunday, March 11) where we change our clocks ahead one hour. So spring is definitely on its way, finally. Its been a long cold winter.

Sunday 25, (Palm Sunday) is the Old-Tyme Dance starting at 1:30 p.m. that afternoon. The Sparkling Tones band will be entertaining that afternoon, and the thyme for this one will be Easter, so please feel free to wear something bright in color.

Monday, March 12, is Quilting Day so come on down and join in a great day of quilting with the group that day, everyone is invited to join in.