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Town of Stettler updating policy to clear and control snow and ice

Extremely heavy snowfall in the past two weeks has kept Town of Stettler public works staff busy to clear and remove snow more diligently than the policy has stated.

At its regular meeting Jan. 18, council reviewed the policy and decided to introduce changes to the policy to prioritize sidewalks and pathways as proposed by Melissa Robbins, director of operational services.

“This town’s snow removal service is among the best of any community in the province,” said Mayor Dick Richards.

While proposed changes would significantly reduce snow-clearing for sidewalks and raises the priority for the growing pathway networks, council placed sidewalks connecting to schools as top priority to provide safety for young children and students who walk to school.

Town manager Rob Stoutenberg planned to consult with school officials to help determine key sidewalks for students.

For easier reference for property owners and residents, maps on the town website identify sequence of priority for roads and sidewalks.

To clear the path for pedestrians, snow removal for town-owned sidewalks and pathways will commence within 48 hours of a snowfall, under the policy.

Property owners or the current occupier is responsible to remove snow on sidewalks adjacent to their property, with snow placed on private property and not onto town-owned streets or lanes.

The town is responsible to remove snow form sidewalks and pathways adjacent to or on public property.

As well, the town will endeavor to remove snow to bare concrete and asphalt where possible and slippery and icy patches will be sanded.

For street plowing and removing snow, work will commence immediately after a target snowfall and shall be completed within the targeted time.

1. Major thoroughfares with five centimeters would be plowed within 24 hours.

2. Collector roads and downtown with 7.5 cm plowed within 48 hours.

3. School zones with 7.5 cm plowed within 72 hours.

4. Residential collectors with 15 cm within 96 hours.

5. Residential roads with 20 to 30 cm plowed as required.

Town manager Stoutenberg noted that residential roads are a low priority since most residents live within two or three blocks of a collector road.

Graders, loaders with blades and truck-mounted speed plows will work together to open up the road networks.

Snow will be plowed into windrows and/or hauled out depending on the space available on each street.

Streets without a sidewalk will be windrowed to the side of the road while streets with sidewalk on both sides will have snow hauled out.

If in the process of grading, snow in excess of 300 millimeters high is left in front of a driveway, mailbox or private access sidewalk, the town will endeavor to remove the snow as soon as possible.

Except for major snowfalls, all residential area will have signs posted 12 hours prior to equipment set to arrive, weather permitting.

Town-owned parking lots will also be maintained by priority.