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Students on a mission for the perfect present find much more

The search for the perfect present for their teacher took students to an astounding journey during the Erskine Christmas Concert.
Kids perform at the annual Christmas Concert at the Evangelical Free Church in Erskine on Sunday

The search for the perfect present for their teacher took students to an astounding journey during the Christmas Concert held at the Evangelical Free Church in Erskine on Sunday, Dec. 13.

The show, which was split between acted scenes from some of the older children and singing from a youth choir, delivered messages about the meaning of Christmas, as the students discovered it wasn't about things, but about the birth of Jesus.

The church pews were packed full of friends, family, and members of the community who came out for the annual holiday tradition, and it was obvious to all that the kids on stage had rehearsed long and hard as all the lines were memorized, and the microphone passing during the play portions was timely.

The hand-crafted props — a business sign and other small things — added some delight to the show, while the choir, dressed in their handsomest and prettiest Christmas finery, added a special touch to the Christmas spectacle.