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Stettler’s new year baby arrived Saturday

Jordan Wipf made his debut on the planet Earth shortly after 7 a.m. on Jan. 2 at the Stettler Hospital.
Jordan Wipf born on Jan. 2 is enveloped by his parents

It's a brand new year and at least one Stettler-area family is ringing it in with a brand new baby, as Jordan Wipf made his debut on the planet Earth shortly after 7 a.m. on Jan. 2 at the Stettler Hospital.

The 3,600-gram baby — seven pounds and 15 ounces — arrived at 7:09 a.m.

Jordan is the fourth child and third son of Steve and Glenda Wipf from Lone Pine Colony, just east of Botha, and went home on Sunday, Jan. 3 to be greeted by his excited sister and brothers.

The natural birth went without complication, Glenda Wipf said.

"The doctors and nurses have been wonderful," she added.

It's the first winter baby for the couple, whose other children were all summertime babies. With three children at home, the family has pretty much everything they need for Jordan, and preparation for his arrival didn't require much extra work. All of the furniture, clothes, and other handy items needed by parents of young infants were items the family already had.

"It's our fourth (child), so actually, you are already ready," Glenda said.

The Wipfs also have extended family in the area, which means baby Jordan will grow up alongside cousins, aunts and uncles.

The couple haven't made any specific plans for their family, instead allowing the size to be determined by fate.

"We don't plan that part," Steve said.

Jordan's siblings are all under the age of six, so having the young children understanding the months-long pregnancy process wasn't a big concern for either Steve or Glenda, the couple explained. Instead, the family received a call on Jan. 2 from Mom and Dad to explain that they'd have a new baby brother coming home the next day.

Once the baby was born, the proud parents phoned home to share the news about the youngest member of the family, news that was greeted by the siblings with excitement.

Since returning home, Steve noted it's been "almost impossible" to get Jordan away from his siblings.