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Donalda sees over 50 people at Family Day celebration

Donalda Ag Society presents Ladies Night March 16

On February 17th, the First Annual Toy Show and Sale hosted by the Donalda & District Museum took its first steps to becoming a massive event within the community.

There were over 25 vendor tables at the event, all filled with a wonderful collection of both antique and collectible toys. The concession with its mix of delicious pies and homemade soups won over many members of the community. Over 70 people attended to make the event successful.

Donalda’s Family Day event was a massive accomplishment, with over 50 people both children, parents, and grandparents, attending. The hills were alive with the sound of laughter as families tobogganed down the ski hill, enjoyed the free outdoors bonfire wiener roast, and made glorious bird feeders out of paper bowls in celebration of National Bird Feeding Month. Children also had the chance to make their own family trees in celebration of this provincial holiday.

This March the Donalda Ag Society very proudly presents Ladies Night this March 16th at 7 p.m. Ladies, you can leave your men and kids at home, and come enjoy the festivities. There will be games, a silent auction, prizes, drinks, appetizers and so much more! The event is done with advance tickets only. For more information, call or text Beth at 403-741-8196.

Birthday wishes for this week go out to Nicole Vikse, Greg Tantrum, Ella Dawn Shepherd, Ben VanHaga, Lilibeth Arandela, Piper Lovelace, Shane Boyson, Jeffrey Flores, Marcie Butterfield, and Mathew Kneeland. We hope you all have a very Happy Birthday!