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County modernizes communications

JULIE BERTRAND / Independent reporter

In line with the outcome of a vote by the county council on March 9, the county now uses social media to communicate with residents.

Following the heavy snowfall that the county sustained in the six days leading up to March 23, director of communications for county, Shawna Benson, as the person in charge of updating the county’s social media accounts, produced two YouTube videos to explain why the snow removal operation took more time than on previous occasions.

“We decided to do those videos as opposed to writing something down on Facebook or on our website because it felt that if people could just watch a minute-long clip, it might look more genuine than a written press release,” said Benson.

According to Benson’s tweet, the first video took three hours to make, from approval to posting it on YouTube.

“I have help. Andrew Brysiuk, our information services director, has some video editing experience.”

“We need the videos to go out quick and so as long as we can keep up that timeline get more efficient at it, then we’ll be putting more videos out and we’ll be faster.”

County has already received positive feedback about its use of social media.

“People are excited about the new format. It’s just another way to get your news,” said Benson.

Benson wants people to leave comments on the county’s YouTube and Facebook pages so that she will know what’s working for people and what’s not working.

“People don’t actually know that we’re doing it so we’re trying our hardest to get the information out there and we hope that, as it goes on, people will see it more,” said Benson.

People can now find links to the county’s accounts with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube at the bottom of the county’s website.