Christmas Cash Cards in Stettler continue to be a big hit for local businesses and will return this Christmas.
“We will tweak it more to encourage consumers to shop Stettler first,” said Keith Ryder, executive director of the board of trade.
“We will continue with the same format,” he said, as he reported on a meeting March 9 where participating businesses reviewed the promotion that ran from late October to Dec. 31.
Initiated about 12 years ago, the promotion continues to gain support from the community.
“We had 38 businesses participate this year and recorded $5.3 million in recorded sales, up from $5.1 million in 2008,” said Ryder, noting that figures don’t reflect total sales during the Christmas campaign.
“We’re hoping to get more participating businesses for 2010 and we appreciate the businesses who participate.”
Stettler’s Cash Card program is a great opportunity for people to shop locally and a chance to win Heart-of-Alberta Dollars to spend in participating stores.
“Our goal is to work hard to produce a strong promotion that helps all our participants.”
Since the program started, sales have grown while the number of participating businesses has virtually remained at the same level, said Ryder.