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A Viking ship has landed in east Stettler

Volunteering for kids – After four years of fundraising

JULIE BERTRAND/Independent reporter

Children in Stettler now have a new playground to enjoy their time outdoors as soon as the weather improves.

The Kinsmen Club of Stettler spent Thursday and Friday, April 28 and 29, building the playground just next to the rail tracks in the east end of the town, realizing their long-planned project.

“We’ve been fundraising money for it for the last four years,” said Werner Schicker of Stettler Kinsmen.

“We did a bunch of different things just to raise money.”

The Kinsmen built the playground to replace one that had been taken out five years ago.

“The playground build days were excellent,” said Schicker.

“Everything worked out great. I want to thank everybody that came out to help.”

Twenty Kinsmen members volunteered in total.

Some members even brought in a backhoe and a CAT.

“They did what they had to did to get the job done,” said Schicker.

The playground’s total cost will be around $110,000.

“It includes the landscaping, the plants and all the other work we’re going to put in it,” said Schicker.

The playground has a distinctive Viking ship theme.

“It has a slide, stepping stones, a climbing wall. They’re all part of the ship,” explained Schicker.

“There’s also a big swing set. It’s got everything for age groups anywhere between two and 12.”

While some sections of the playground will be open by May 4, Schicker expects everything to be ready to be used by May 15.

“For the rest, it will be another week or more before it’s ready,” said Schicker.

“Because of the rain, we’re waiting for the cement to cure,”

The playground is situated just one block east of the junction of 49 Avenue and 45 Street.