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Town council should focus on biking rules

A few weeks ago I was pushing my walker on the sidewalk near the theatre when two eight-or nine-year-old boys went speeding by me, on their bicycles, I just saw their backs.

Dear editor,

A few weeks ago I was pushing my walker on the sidewalk near the theatre when two eight-or nine-year-old boys went speeding by me, on their bicycles, I just saw their backs.

They were so close to me, couldn’t believe it. I was left shaking inside for hours.

I am an elderly woman of 88 years old. I understand bicycles, are allowed on sidewalks with rules – there wasn’t any being used.

I can’t believe why bicycles are allowed to ride on streets. Someone is going to be hurt badly. I believe it is wrong!

I don’t like to complain – I have worked amongst young people for 15 years, enjoy them, but this incident could have been serious.

I feel this issue, should be brought to the attention of the town council, and not be taken lightly.

Thank you.

Most sincerely,

Eileen Gilbert

Stettler, Alberta