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Bashaw students perform 'Freaky Friday'

Bashaw high school students run year-end play

The Bashaw High School Drama program performed Freaky Friday to close the 2023-24 school year.

Running from June 13-16 at the Bashaw Community Church, the one-act, approximately one-hour-15-minute musical production filled the seats during the first two nights of the run according to director Lori Miller, which led her to be optimistic for the remaining shows in the run.

What happens when a mom and daughter swap bodies for a day? Hilarity and antics ensue while lessons are learned about other's points of view.

In the play, daughter Ellie Blake, played by Indy Fowler, and mom Katherine Blake, played by Ireland Pearson, end up swapping bodies with each other through the powers of a magic hourglass, which is broken in the process. 

Once the requisite panic and confusion subside, the duo need to navigate through the day as each other while trying to find the partner to the hourglass in the hope that they can undo the magic. 

Along the way, the duo learn secrets about each other and an appreciation for what each goes through. 

The play concluded with a standing ovation during the second-night showing of the production. 



Kevin Sabo

About the Author: Kevin Sabo

Kevin Sabo has been a resident of the Castor area for the last 12 years, first moving to the area in his previous career as an EMT.
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