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We survived the cold spell

We’ve been in the throes of a Siberian high, with cold temperatures and let’s not forget the wind.


We’ve been in the throes of a Siberian high, with cold temperatures and let’s not forget the wind. But as usual, we’ve come out on the other side, looking forward to warmer days.

The Big Knife 4-H enjoyed a day outdoors on Sunday with a post-Christmas wiener roast, skating, quadding and sledding at Dale and Coralee Ventner’s. The club celebrated a successful and completed tire drive, which totaled close to three thousand tires. Big thanks to all. Their next project will be their annual bottle drive. If you are interested in donating, please call Corina at 403 574 2183 or Denise at 403 740 5566. The date set for the drive is January 30.

Get well wishes to Grace (Derr) Selinger, who is recovering from hip surgery in Camrose.

Eleanor and Frank Dahlgren took granddaughter Kristina Kobi out for dinner to celebrate her 23rd birthday.

Bill and Joyce Hansel picked up Marie Vance and they went to dinner at the “Other Side” restaurant on Friday to celebrate Marie’s birthday. Joining them were Carol Kirkwood and Vi Ventress.

Happy birthday Marie and Kristina!