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Watch out for children on streets

As we prepare for the school term, please be aware of the speed zones and the excited little ones heading back to school.

As we prepare for the school term, please be aware of the speed zones and the excited little ones heading back to school. Sometimes, they forget to watch for cars, so we must be extra careful.

Harvest is in full swing and we’re hoping this great weather continues.

Mark upcoming events on your calendars. The drive-in movie showing of The Blind Side begins at dusk on Sept. 15 at the ski hill in the coulees. Come early and hike the coulees. The concession will be open early.

Birthday wishes go out to Chad Montgomery, Cheryl Charles, Joseph Broemeling, Claus Mueller, Lovema Dahl, Sheldon Donald, Joshua Martz, Sheryl Van Haga, Amber Standage, Janine Dalueg, Janet Bergstrom, Jared Berry, Trena Helfer-Thomas and Carl Nordahl.