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Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied

FAITH & REFLECTION -- Jesus presented eight beatitudes in His Sermon on the Mount. The first two dealt with attainment, the third attitude..

FAITH & REFLECTION -- Jesus presented eight beatitudes in His Sermon on the Mount. The first two dealt with attainment, the third attitude and the fourth, which will be considered in this article, addresses appetite. Matthew 5:6, which contains the fourth beatitude, says "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied."

There is a connectivity between the beatitudes that Jesus taught. The hunger and thirst mentioned in the fourth is the result of the first three. Recognizing that we are "poor in spirit" or spiritually bankrupt before God, we "mourn" or repent and in turn are "comforted." The third beatitude, meekness, or power under control, is characteristic of those who have turned to and met God. Hunger and thirst for righteousness grows out of this relationship. It is a desire to deepen our knowledge of God and enhance our walk with God.

Hunger and thirst are universal and people have attempted to gratify their hunger and satiate their thirst for a long time and in a variety of ways. This seemingly insatiable longing and restlessness leads to the consumption of a lot of junk food. Alcohol, drugs, pornography, hedonism and self absorption are just a few that are, figuratively speaking, ingested. But they all turn to ashes. Alcohol and drugs are not able to gratify. The temporary thrill and short-term gratification of lust leaves its participants with guilt and loneliness instead of fulfillment. And seeking satisfaction from self tends to be fragile, fruitless and temporary, if not simply self deceptive and illusory.

What is the Christian view? 1 Corinthians 1:30 (abridged) says that "...Christ Jesus...became for us...righteousness..." This verse teaches that righteousness, true spiritual righteousness, is found in and through Christ. The hunger and thirst are no longer insatiable because righteousness and right living are now possible. Those who believe in Him, experiencing this spiritual hunger and thirst, develop a passion for righteousness in their daily lives. This righteousness results in right living and is manifested by integrity, fairness, contentment and fulfillment. Gamaliel Bradford, with reference to people longing for this form of practical holiness said, "they have a thirst no earthly stream can satisfy, a hunger that must feed on Christ..."

The fourth beatitude promises that those who pursue these spiritual appetites will be filled. The hunger and thirst are satiated and the participants are satisfied.

Are you hungry and thirsty? Consider Jesus' RSVP invitation. "Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into his home and share a meal with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20).

"For God has satisfied those who thirst, and those who hunger He has filled with food" (Psalm 107:9).