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Some belated news

Welcome to spring and welcome to all the new baby calves that are appearing in most everyone’s yard.


Welcome to spring and welcome to all the new baby calves that are appearing in most everyone’s yard. I hope the calving is going well for everyone involved. I will start this column with an apology to a family in this community for my mistake in failing to report on someone important who has passed away recently and I didn’t mention it in my column. Helen Todor, who was a member of our community for more than 50 years, passed away recently at the Drumheller hospital. She came to Rumsey as a teenager at the age of 17 and took on a lot more responsibility than the modern teenager would understand.

She married, farmed, had two children who gave her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was widowed when her children were still young but she continued to farm; her brother joined her and helped with her farming dream. When you work the dirt this spring, whether it be your garden, field, flowerbed or just a pot for your deck, remember this great lady and many other like her who pioneered this area, what they saw, persevered through and accomplished. We are honored to have their memories with us.

Another bit of old news that I should have reported sooner is that Stephen and Wheng Hatt would like to thank the community for the gift of money that was given to them upon their wedding. They now reside happily at the Hatt farm just south-west of Rumsey. Congratulations on your start to many happy years.

The Rumsey birthday club has a few birthdays to announce from February and March. In the Lodge at St Mary’s for February, there were Vern Grieg and Bernie Boyden; in March there was Vern Cunningham. In Extended Care in February, there were Bessie Fraser, Elmer Wik, Belle Tindal. For March, Della Davis and Leonard Dryer celebrated their birthdays. Jean Richmond hosted in March so thank you to her and on April 20, Donna Sengaus will be hosting.

Don’t forget about the Spring Fling supper and dessert auction coming on April 18. It is always a fun event that get you out of the house and visiting with friends in the community.

I will close with a joke for you to enjoy, I hope.

A young man agreed to babysit one night so a single mom could have an evening out. At bedtime, he sent the kids upstairs and settled down to watch football. One child kept creeping down the stairs, but the young man kept sending him back up to bed. At 9 p.m., the doorbell rang. It was the next door neighbour, Mrs. Brown, asking whether her son was there. “No,” replied the young man. Just then a little head appeared over the banister and shouted, “I’m here, Mom, but he won’t let me go home.”

And a good quote to contemplate, maybe for our graduates this year: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.”- Howard Thurman