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Rumsey Record: April is Book Sale month at the Rumsey Community Library

The “11 o’clock Number” dinner theater coming up on April 7th

Happy Easter to all; may you be greeted with sunshine and puddles all this week.

We sure would like to see this snow melted away into the ground and sloughs.

The “11 o’clock Number” dinner theater is fast approaching and you have to get your tickets early as we need a head count for the caterers plus the tables are filling up fast!

It should be a fun night on April 7th with cocktails starting at 5:30 and supper served at 6:30. Tickets are $50 each so contact Ian Michie at 403-321-0510 or 403-368-2358.

It has been a long time since we hosted a comedy show like this so it should be good.

The Annual Spring Fling and Dessert Auction will be following quickly on the heels of this event as it falls on April 21st.

Again there will be a delicious supper and friends to visit with but the real fun starts with the live auction and our own auctioneer, Travis Caweizel and his crew of champion bid takers.

You can’t doubt this crew for catching every subtle nod and flick of the fingers.

They will catch your bid whether you bid or not, just kidding. It’s a lot of fun, you just have to come and see for yourself.

The south corner ladies will be hosting a bridal shower for Holly McBride and Sam Clark on April 14th at the hall starting at 7:30 p.m.

The hostesses have asked everyone to bring a favorite recipe so they can put together a community recipe book for the happy couple.

They will be getting married on June 9th here in Rumsey. Congratulations to Holly and Sam as they start the next chapter of their lives together.

St. Mary’s Birthday Party was held on March 19th with Bev Morgan acting as hostess so a big thank you to her for taking the time to prepare some special treats.

There were a few birthdays to celebrate this past month; in extended care; Antoinette Randon, Irma Barnes, Margaret Maxwell, and Phyllis Fabian was the only party girl in the Lodge for March.

In April, the birthday club will be held on the 16th with Donna Sengaus donating her time as the hostess.

April at the library means Book Sale month so come on in and check out the boxes of books that I have cleared off my shelves and are now available for ‘A Buck a Book’.

There are some great ones that will interest someone out there, I’m sure.

Also, it will give you a chance to see what the library has to offer beyond the old paperback. Libraries today are so much more; digital magazines, e-books sources, audiobooks,, online resources of all kinds; the list goes on.

Joke of the week:

The woman in front of me at the registry office was taking the eye test, first with her glasses on, then off.

“Here’s your license,” the examiner said when she was done. “But there’s a restriction. You need to wear glasses to drive your car.”

“Honey,” the woman declared, “I need them to FIND my car.”

Have a great week.