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Report cards to be sent out Wednesday

In preparation for Lent -– Lowell Van Straten

Christ-King Chronicle

As I write this article, the junior high class is swooshing down the slopes at Sunshine and Nakiska. Teachers Erin Sturtevant and Sheldon Gallagher have taken the class to Kanaskis for their annual overnight ski trip. Parents Joe Gendre, Krista Kirk and Sheri Pitzel also braved the cold and joined the students for a fun three days in the mountains.

Report cards will be going home this Wednesday, March 9. Mark your calendars for student-led conferences which are set for March 16 at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Student led conferences provide an opportunity for the students to showcase their learning and classroom activities with their families. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Father Arlan joined the school community at Christ King Monday, March 7, to celebrate our first mass in the school. Usually, the students and staff make the short trek to Christ King Parish, so we were especially blessed to attend mass in our own space.

Father Arlan explained many parts of the mass including the special vestments he wears and the meaning behind the different prayers and actions that make up the mass. He will join us again on Ash Wednesday later this week to mark the beginning of Lent.

For Tuesday, we were scheduled to walk to the Parish Hall to enjoy a hot lunch of pancakes and sausages in honour of Shrove Tuesday, thanks to the Knights of Columbus. Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent, when people would traditionally abstain from meat, eggs and dairy products. Pancakes were a good way to use up what was left in the pantry to begin the Lenten fast.

Teachers will attend teacher’s convention on Thursday and Friday this week for professional development. There will be no school on these days.

Have a great long weekend and we pray for many blessings for everyone as we begin the forty days of Lent.