Here we are then. Rhetoric dialled up to ten.
Anger and frustration up around 12, maybe, and hate, well, hate’s off the chart in some places. What a wonderful world.
It is, though, it really is.
It just depends, as Louis sings it, on how you see it.
In the song, he sees it in the trees and flowers that bloom for me and you, in the bright blessed day and dark sacred night, in the colours of the rainbow not just in the sky but in people, too. He hears it when people really mean to say “I love you” and when babies cry, reminding him how they’ll grow to be so much more. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
But right now, appreciation of our environment doesn’t seem to be registering with many, the days don’t seem blessed, the darkness is overwhelming and don’t even start on the rainbow. It’s hard to discern the love in so many of the things being said because it seems like people would rather attack than greet and, by the way, tears just make you a crybaby.
Why does it seem like bullying is the preferred form of leadership?
Why are so many people willing to ignore the environment or simply use it to their own benefit?
Why is it easier to deport your neighbour than love them?
Why do people have to earn the help and support a caring world should offer?
Why is getting the best deal more important than kindness?
Why is it more important to say whatever you want than to listen, understand and offer wisdom?
And when did it become more important to establish your own “truth” rather than discern what is really true?
Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant. And I really wanted to write “Say whatever the hell you want.” I was feeling it, but ministers don’t talk like that, right? It would offend someone.
It’s probably no surprise to anyone that I sometimes say things that offend people. This might be one of those times.
I remember one time, a few years back, I wanted to put “Dead Man Walking” on the church sign for Palm Sunday.
That was going to be my message, that Jesus knew where things were headed even as people celebrated him. I asked Lori what she thought. She said don’t put it on the sign, people will be offended. Sure, but I thought it would get their attention. She said it would, but not the way I intended and then they won’t want to listen.
She was right and I didn’t put it on the sign.
Even in his most human moments, I think Jesus always took into consideration who he was talking to, whether it was to teach, comfort, support or challenge. I think he tried to learn more about them, hear their stories and understand them before he said what needed to be said.
I think he encouraged people to be active listeners by being one himself. I think he always put others first, even when he had to say something difficult. I think he always tried to speak with respect and kindness and I think he always tried to speak what is true.
We’ve lost a lot of that. We don’t listen to learn and understand, we listen to respond or, worse, overwhelm.
Often, we participate only for our own benefit or to influence, rather than be influenced. And we demand and direct, rather than offer and support.
And I think to myself, be more like Jesus. What a wonderful world we’ll see.