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New Orleans excitement ramping up

There was a girls' rugby camp this past Friday and Saturday, April 22 to 23 at Wm. E. Hay on the football and soccer field.

WILDCATS' CORNER -- There was a girls' rugby camp this past Friday and Saturday, April 22 to 23 at Wm. E. Hay on the football and soccer field. The McNally High School from Edmonton came up on Friday to join the camp. This camp was a great way for the team to train together and get exposed to rugby culture. It was a great experience, and a great learning opportunity to practice with such an experienced rugby team from McNally High School. Thanks to Mr. Elliot for organizing this camp. They are using this camp as a way to get prepped for their first season game, which was yesterday Tuesday, April 26 in Rocky Mountain House. The first home rugby game is going to be May 4. The team is pretty excited for this! Hope you can come and watch.

This past weekend the REACH team went to provincials. They won three games out of seven, which is better than last year. Good job team.

The countdown for New Orleans is on. Eleven days until the 77 piece band leaves. One act festival is tonight April 27 at 7 p.m. in the PAC. There is a mandatory meeting for aLL New Orleans band students Tuesday at 11:30 in the band room. Also, New Orleans Grade 8 band members are to join the band 9s on Wednesday and Friday first block after lunch.

For Grade 10 and 11 students, Rural Discovery Days at U of A are Friday, May 13. Choose your own U of Alberta experience by selecting interactive sessions to attend throughout the day. Get advice from real UAlberta students. Speak with faculty and program advisors. Learn about residence life. Meet new people from other rural communities and win great prizes. Call the school for more information.