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God is on the throne and He will see you through

Have you ever felt as if things aren’t going to work out? Most of us would admit that this has been our experience at one time or another.

FAITH & REFLECTION -- Have you ever felt as if things aren’t going to work out? Most of us would admit that this has been our experience at one time or another. There are many attitudes, approaches and opinions about how to deal with these times and there seems to be a trite saying to go along with each. For example, “Life’s problems are like cloverleaf exchanges on the highway. It may not seem so to begin with, but there is always a way out.”

Trite sayings are all right, but they often lack a substantial basis or point of reference. When we are facing challenges in our lives, we need something that has a solid foundation in reality and a practical, meaningful application.

My own preferred expression, especially when things are a little difficult, is “God is still on the throne and He will see me through.” I take comfort in this assertion because it is based on biblical promises. One of these promises is found in Psalms 34:17 and says, “When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.”

There are innumerable biblical promises for tough times, but there is also an abundance of testimonials. Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, shared the following account.

Taylor was returning to London by train from Brighton where he had been attending meetings. While waiting for the train, Count Bobrinsky, a Russian nobleman who had attended the same meetings, accosted him and asked if they could sit together. Taylor informed him that he was traveling third class. The nobleman had a first-class ticket, but used it to enter third class so he could spend time with Taylor.

They had a great time of fellowship as they discussed life, theology and missions on the journey. As they neared London, the Count extracted a bill from his wallet and passed it to Taylor saying, “Allow me to make a contribution toward your work in China.” Taylor noticed it was a 50 pound note, and passing it back said, “Did you mean to give me 5 pounds?” The nobleman replied, “Yes, but I can’t take it back. I meant to give 5 pounds, but God must’ve intended for you to have 50 pounds.”

Arriving in London. Taylor had one more meeting to attend. It was a prayer meeting and the group had gathered together to pray about a shortfall of funds needed to be sent for the mission work in China. The shortfall was for 50 British pounds!

“Let the one who is wise heed these things and ponder the loving deeds of the LORD” (Psalm 107:43).

God is still on the throne and He will see you through!