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Don't miss 4-H Show and Sale

After a gorgeous sunny weekend, who didn't getting a little sunburnt?

After a gorgeous sunny weekend, who didn't getting a little sunburnt? I hope you were able to soak up some of that beautiful sun as you worked, played and relaxed outside. Now let's all pray for some rain.

The Rumsey/Rowley 4-H Beef club is quickly getting ready for their big Show and Sale out at Delia on Monday, June 1. The show will start at 10 a.m. with the heifers heading to the ring then the steers will start at noon. The sale is scheduled for 7 p.m., so if you are interested in some quality beef for your dinner plate, don't miss this one.

The Steen family would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral, sent a card to the family expressing their condolences and made a donation in Helen's name to the Drumheller Cancer centre. It was wonderful to be supported by so many loving hands during such a difficult time. Thank you to the Northeast Corner ladies for coordinating the lunch and to everyone who brought something to be shared. It is wonderful to live in a small, caring community such as ours.

The Friends of the Drumheller Pathfinders/Ranger Switzerland Trip are hosting a Yuk-Yuk's Comedy night this Saturday night, May 30 starting at 5 p.m. at the Rumsey Hall. Supper will be served at 6 and the show will start at 8 p.m. There will be a dance to follow. You get a lot of entertainment for a ticket price, so make sure you take that in.

There are a few more graduates that I would like to let you know about, thanks to Gwen Hampton, who filled me in; Jayden Kowalchuk (John and Paula Kowalchuk), Jessica Little (Brett and Tanya McNaughton - Little), Jesse Nelson (Andy and Bonny Steen - Nelson), Taylor Morgan who was valedictorian of Trochu High and Courtney Morgan graduating from NAIT (Jason Morgan).

Since it is getting close to exam time, I thought this joke would be most appropriate:

The night before one exam, two students tied one on, (well, actually, tied two on, one each), and managed to sleep through the final. They realized they were in serious trouble, so they agreed to tell the professor that they had a flat tire on the way to the exam.

''No problem." said the Professor, ''Come by my office at 5 P.M. and I'll give you the exam then."

Feeling pretty clever, the students spent the intervening time getting information on the exam from students who had already taken it, and making sure they knew how to do the problems. Coming to the professor's office that evening, they were told, ''Leave your books in my office, and I'll put you in two separate rooms for the exam." They were both ecstatic to see that the Professor had given them the exact same exam taken by the class that morning. However, there was an additional page tacked on the end, upon which was written,

''For 50% of the grade, which tire was flat?"