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CKCS hosts student-led conferences

CKCS officially started the third term on March 14 as term two report cards went home on Wednesday, March 9.

CKCS officially started the third term on March 14 as term two report cards went home on Wednesday, March 9. Report cards were followed up by student-led conferences on Thursday, March 17 from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Students brought their parents to school to show them their classrooms, and second term school work. The event specifically showcased students' leadership binders that are maintained throughout the year. Students fill their binders with awards, work and any other item that they are proud of. Thank you to all visiting families that helped make the event a success.

On March 17, the entire school dressed in their best green leprechaun outfits for St. Patrick's Day. The school also participated in a game called "Shamrock Shush", put on by CKCS Spirit Squad. Each student and staff member was given a shamrock necklace at the beginning of the day. If they were caught talking, they had to forfeit their necklace to the person who caught them. The goal was the collect the most shamrocks by the end of the day. The first place winner was MacKenzie Russell, second place went to Autumn Wyness and third place went to Hannah Canlas. It was a very quiet but fun day at CKCS.

On Friday, March 18, CKCS staff and students walked to Christ-King Catholic Church for the monthly mass. Father Don reminded us to keep our Lenten promises of fasting, giving alms and praying.

Afterwards, the school, along with other parishioners, moved to the Parish Hall to enjoy a soup lunch, put on by parent council. Many types of soup were offered including noodle, potato, mushroom and tomato soup. A huge thank you to all the parent volunteers that made and served all the delicious soups.

This week, the junior highs are looking forward to a program called Dollars for Sense coming into the school on Wednesday, March 25. Run by two community volunteers from Vision Credit Branch, Holly Moir and Wendy Kosswan, students from grades 7-9 will be focusing on financial literacy - specifically budgeting, money management and investing.

March break will begin on March 25. CKCS staff members would like to wish all our students and parents a fun and safe week long break. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on April 4.