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Byemoor Endiang news

The latest from Byemoor and Endiang
Byemoor Endiang news

The community of Byemoor will be celebrating its 100 Year Centennial in 2025.

The Endmoor Recreation Board is conducting a survey to collect input from community members on how they would prefer to celebrate this milestone. Would the preference be one larger event or a series of smaller events throughout the year sponsored by the various organizations and groups to mark Byemoor’s 100th in ways of their choice at their events?

Most in the community should have received the survey in the mail which is to be returned by July 31. If you don’t have the survey, ideas are welcome to be sent to Theresa Christie at Box 351 Endiang, AB T0J 1G0, or Doreen Nixon at Box 56 Byemoor, AB T0J 0L0 or email or text 403-740-9546. There is also a Drop Box at the Byemoor Hotel for suggestions.

Memphis Jones recently competed in the National Junior High Rodeo Finals in Des Moines, Iowa representing Team Alberta.

He competed in Team Roping as the heeler.  Memphis and his parents Adam and Paige and Memphis’ horse Java travelled to Des Moines and were away from June 18 – July 1. It was a 10-day rodeo and participants came from Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United States with 1,200 contestants in total.

 It was a huge opportunity and an amazing experience for Memphis and his horse Java, who he has been roping from for 10 years. Next year Memphis will advance to High School rodeo. The Jones family took in some sights along the way and returned by a different route.

The Schultz 42nd annual Camping Weekend and Pancake Breakfast was held on the toasty-warm July 19 – 21 weekend at their Endiang farm.

There were no fireworks this year. Following the Pancake Breakfast served by the Schultz family on Sunday was the Great Endiang Balloon Race where nearly 50 tagged balloons were launched. In past years balloons have been found as far away as the north-eastern United States.

In the Frisbee Golf Tournament, the placings were: First – Nathan Limpert, Calgary, and Lexie Olesen, Hanna. Second – Kyle Mohl, Hanna and Judy Crawford, Calgary. Third – Shane Toews, Hanna and Tess Zanarichuk, Calgary. Most Honest Team – Eleanor Schultz and Jacky Chop.

Congratulations to Deanne Walker and Branven Mower on the recent engagement. A wedding date is yet to be set.

Paving has begun on Secondary Highway 855 from Highway 9 near Hanna up to Secondary Highway 589, the highway connecting Endiang and Byemoor to Highway 56. It definitely will be nice when the project is completed.

The hot, dry July is taking its toll on crops that had gotten off to a good start and were looking great. Hopefully, rain is on the way soon as it’s difficult to watch crops deteriorate day by day. On a positive note, it has definitely been good haying weather.

Farm Wisdom and Humour for the Day —

“When walking in the cow pasture, always look down.”

“Farmers seldom have good years; some are just less bad than others.”

“When cultivating corn with a tractor, keep one eye on the cornrow, one eye on the cultivator, one eye looking out for stones and one eye on the fence at the end of the field.”