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Premier Notley should slow down

It seems to me this newly elected provincial government is plunging headlong into whatever is currently in vogue.

It seems to me this newly elected provincial government is plunging headlong into whatever is currently in vogue.

We have a party that was shocked that they got into power, stood around saying "who me?" rather than putting forward a budget. That alone says they had no belief in their prospects.

This government decides in order to increase egg production the solution is to strangle the golden goose, with more pressure on the farms and industry, that on first glance appears to be healthy but has had several years of crippling financial problems that in reality will take years of profit to recoup the last 10 years (sic) loss, and the NDP shows up to bayonet the wounded. Yes, rules should be drawn up but cannot be done by some bureaucrat who has finished sharping (sic) all his pencils and needs a new project, Bill 6.

Does this mean all persons on every farm will require a ticket to operate every individual piece of equipment, or will not be allowed to use it, and if they do will not be covered by WCB this (sic) this will require years of training.

Who is going to provide this, who pays? Typically, a ticket in construction costs $150-$300 each and expires every three years. Will there be standardized training, who is qualified to give that training, where do they get their training?

If this temporary government has decided that since Alberta was in-job skilled training and labour the farms and ranches have not been operating safely and need the people that have occasionally drove past one to tell lifelong operators how to do it right. In my lifetime we have had many governments telling us Eskimos how to make igloos. What will be next, designated smoking areas on farms? Farms will require his and her bathrooms? All machinery to be safe-tied (sic) annually?

Easy there, Rachel, you can not stop this, once the snowball starts down that hill. You are introducing Bill 6, not sending in Seal Team 6.

Jack NafzigerBotha, AB